Portfolio Webflow Template - Canada - Designed by Azwedo.com and Wedoflow.com



Brand Design UI & UX Product Design





X Projects, an architectural and engineering firm based in Geneva, their distinctive 'X' logo is the hallmark of their trade. Aleph had the privilege of crafting their new logo, an opportunity as unique as the intersection of architectural creativity and technical ingenuity that defines X Projects. In close collaboration with their team, we set out to encapsulate this distinctive synergy, a harmonious blend of architectural artistry and technical precision. The result ? A logo that not only embodies this unique fusion but also exudes a sense of innovation and meticulous craftsmanship. Our contribution was to breathe life into their vision, forging an identity that mirrors their expertise. At Aleph, we relished the challenge of creating a visual identity as dynamic and versatile as the architectural and engineering marvels crafted by X Projects.

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